Dear Jade — Greetings from Singapore.  Regret that I’ve been away (onboard a U.S. Navy vessel) for the past month+ … just seeing this email.



From pre-move planning (Jack and Jade), to the packers (sorry, forgot their names — the young man & woman (family) Team — they were awesome / took great care to pack out correctly — did not rush or short cut), to the movers (led by John), the C Family is extremely happy and grateful for the very professional, prompt, dependable, and friendly service provided by Mayflower / Molloy for this full residence, 1000 mile move.


Although we haven’t unpacked much yet (mom was in hospital shortly after moving from Long Island — so we put unpacking on hold — she is doing much better), it appears so far that all is in order: no apparent damage to any furniture.  Will revert if anything comes up missing or damaged — but we don’t expect any issues.


Mayflower / Molloy Brothers has earned our strongest personal recommendation!  We unhesitatingly recommend Molloy Brothers as the ‘mover of choice’ for long haul travel — each Team member provided superb, detailed, and personalized service ahead of the move … and assigned a competent, professional, and courteous moving Team that cared enough to help their elderly customer on moving day — never in my 17 moves with the U.S. Navy have I seen such a great moving Team in action.  WELL DONE.


Special Mention:  John’s rig was spotless — inside and out.  A sign of a true professional.


*** If in doubt, please have Mr.


Molloy call me directly ***




Captain Jonathan “JC” C