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4 Tips to Unpack and Move Into Your New Kitchen

When you're moving into your new house, it's essential to do a good job when unpacking rooms like the kitchen. More than any other room in the house, it’s important to keep the kitchen organized. If you're moving into a new home, keep these kitchen unpacking tips in mind.  1. Clean the Space Before you unpack the kitchen, clean it first. Use a multi-purpose cleaner, a good sponge, and some bleach to disinfect the space. If you don't have time to clean the room yourself, hire a cleaning person to do it for you. There's nothing worse than unpacking kitchen [...]

Essentials to Pack for Your First Night in Your New Home

One of the most important details not to overlook when preparing to move is to pack a “first-night” kit. The purpose of this is to ensure you’ll have the essential items you’ll immediately need at your fingertips upon arrival in your new home.  You don’t want to spend your first night scurrying through dozens of boxes trying to find necessary items. To help you plan, we’ve compiled a list of things to have handy on your first night. 1. Personal items Plan to pack an overnight bag, much like you’d do for any other trip. Include a set of clothing [...]

Tips for Moving a Senior Parent into Your Home

Most individuals prefer to spend the entirety of their lives in their own homes. However, as people get older, many circumstances can change, making living alone less ideal. If you have an elderly parent entering this phase of life, moving them into your home can be a more desirable option than an assisted living or nursing home. While moving a senior parent into your home can be a viable option, this transition can also bring challenges. Look at a few tips to remember along the way that can help. 1. Give Them Their Own Space Your senior parent will be [...]

Tips for Adjusting to a New City After Relocating

Whether moving to a new zip code is work-related, family related, or simply a personal choice, adjusting to a new city can be intimidating. Many people who face a move to a new city are leaving behind anything familiar, right down to their family and friends. To help you settle in quicker and feel more at home, look at these tips to acclimate to a new city as quickly as possible. Plan a Day to Mingle With the Locals You can learn much about a new place simply by getting out and minglings. A few good ways to get in [...]

How to Pack Small Appliances

When you're preparing to pack for a household move, the kitchen often feels like the most complicated room in the house. After all, it's filled with fragile, heavy, and oddly shaped objects, many of which are costly to replace. And along with the glassware and china, there's another tricky category to consider: small appliances. Blenders, toasters, stand mixers, air fryers, and other devices often require special care and certain materials when packing. Read on to learn how to pack — and protect — small appliances for your move. Packing Supplies for Small Appliances You don't necessarily need any "out of [...]

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